Plastics Industry
EuPC (European Plastic Converters Association): www.plasticsconverters.eu
PlasticsEurope (European Plastic Manufacturers Association): www.plasticseurope.org
Automotive Industry
ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association): www.acea.be
CLEPA (European Association of Automotive Suppliers): www.clepa.eu
EUCAR (European Council for Automotive Research and Development): www.eucar.be
Fuel Industry
European Bioethanol Fuel Association: www.ebio.org
European Biodiesel Board: www.ebb-eu.org
CONCAWE (Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe): www.concawe.eu
FuelsEurope (European Fuel Manufacturers Associations): www.fuelseurope.eu
eFuel Alliance (alliance for carbon-neutral renewable fuels): www.efuel-alliance.eu
European Institutions
European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu
DG Growth > Automotive: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/automotive_en
DG Environment > Transport & Environment: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/transport/index.htm
European Parliament: http://www.europarl.europa.eu
European Union on-line: http://europa.eu
PlasEnSys Advocacy
PlasEnSys Response to the Public Consultation on the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the European Automotive Industry and the EU Industrial Action Plan for the Automotive Sector
To read the response to the consultation, click here.
PFAS public consultation: Brief Plastic Energy Storage Systems
Response to the public consultation submitted to the European Chemical Agency in regard to the planned restriction for Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
To read the response to the consultation, click here
Catalysing the circular revoluton in the automotve and transport sector: ambitous targets and crucial key enablers
PlasEnSys and EuPC response to the public consultation on the proposal for the revision of the ELV framework
To read the response to the consultation, click here
New Realities In Mobility Require Future Proof Emission Standards:
PlasEnSys and EuPC position paper on Permeability Factor and Refueling Emissions in Euro VII/7
To read the position paper, click here
PlasFuelSys Position Paper on Impact Testing of PHEV Tanks
PlasFuelSys has prepared a Position Paper that aims at recommending a different impact testing for plug‐in hybrid electric vehicles tanks.
To read the position paper, click here